ÖSD ispiti – PRIJAVA

EUDIALOG is a licensed exam center for acquiring an ÖSD certificate. ÖSD is an internationally recognized certificate which proves your knowledge of the German language as a second language. To apply to an ÖSD exam, fill out the form below.

Read Terms and Conditions


Waiting time for results for exams taken in Osijek and Steyr is 7 days. Waiting time for results for exams taken in Banja Luka, Orašje and Doboj is 4 to 6 weeks.



    Exam date and location*

    You need the certificate for*

    Select a level*



    First and last name*

    Date of birth*

    Birth place*

    Address of residence*

    City of residence*

    Zip code*


    Contact phone*

    Treba li Vam ovjereni prijevod sudskog tumača iz EU*

    Additional comments and/or questions

    Please select the option for delivering your certificate*

    Address for delivering the certificate*

    Please select the option for delivering your certificate*

    You will be picking up your certificate in:*

    Address for delivering the certificate*

    You have successfully filled out the ÖSD exam application form for taking the exam at Dialog.
    Vašu prijavu smo zaprimili te ćemo Vas kontaktirati u roku od dva radna dana putem e-pošte.
    Napomena: osim u Hrvatskoj, ispit možete polagati i u našim centrima u BiH i Austriji.
    Please read the Exam Regulations of the ÖSD center from Austria.

    Kind regards


    Are your diplomas recognized by the embassy?

    Naturally, our diplomas are recognized by the embassy. We are licenced partners of the ÖSD (Österreich Schweiz Deutschland) exam center in Austria and you can find us on their official website. The certificates in question are recognized, not only in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, but in many other states of the world, and are treated as a means of ensuring the knowledge of the German language in German-speaking countries.

    Do diplomas have an expiration date?

    Diplomas do not have an expiration date, they have a lifelong validity. However, embassies demand for documents to not be older than a certain time period (six months or one year). Diplomas that are older than six months or one year cannot be extended, the exam must be retaken.

    How long do I have to wait for a certificate?

    After successfully completing an ÖSD exam, all candidates receive an internationally recognized certificate which usually arrives 4-7 weeks after taking the exam.

    Are the certificates written in German or do they have to be translated?

    The certificates are printed in Austria and are written in German.

    What does the ÖSD exam look like?

    The exam consists of four skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking.

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