
DIALOG vrši usluge pismenog i usmenog prevođenja:


  • excerpts from civil registers
  • certificates
  • legal documentation
  • medical documentation
  • expert and technical texts
  • business correspondence
  • consecutive and simultaneous interpretation

Accuracy and quality

Accuracy and quality

Our translations are of high quality as well as accurate, and they are translated exclusively by competent and professional translators with extensive experience.

Respecting deadlines

Respecting deadlines

We respect the agreed upon deadlines and always deliver translations to all clients on time! We are diligent and conscientious in conducting our business.

Free quote

Free quote

For a free quote for a translation please send us your document at:

Translation cost and calculation of standard pages

When determining the price of a translation, it is first necessary to know whether the translation should be certified or not. When it comes to the translation of a birth certificate, diploma, criminal clearance certificate and similar official documents, a certified translation is most often required. Be sure to ask the person or service who requires the translation in advance so as not to unnecessarily pay a higher price.

Also, a discount is possible for regular clients and larger orders.


Standard page

In the translation industry, a page of text is not the standard size because the amount of text on the page depends on the name and size of the font, margins, spacing, and the like. There can be one word on one page, and there can be 15 000. For the purpose of standardizing the amount of text, there is a standardized measure called the standard page, and it is calculated according to the number of characters. One standard page contains 1500 characters with spaces and is machine-calculated (which means that you can calculate how many standard pages your document contains; Word can do this easily for you).

Also, in order to standardize prices and harmonize quotes, every translation shorter than one card is counted as one card, and everything more than that is rounded in half. So whether you have to translate 0.3 or 0.8 cards, we count it as one card. On the other hand, if you have 14.3 cards, we'll round it up to 14.5, and if you have 14.8 cards, we'll count them as 15 cards. The price of translation depends mostly on the number of standard pages in the text.

Expert texts

Since not all texts are the same, and the complexity of a text is increased as the topic is more of an expert nature, the base price of translations is increased by 20 % when the text is complex.

Urgent translations

Our practice with urgent translations mainly depends on what we agree upon with the client. In most cases, it is possible to achieve something that is optimal for both you and us, and the increased price does not apply often.

Interpretation price

Cijena se formira po dogovoru, a svaki se započeti sat računa kao puni sat jer je sat najmanja obračunska jedinica. Putne troškove također snosi klijent.



MOB: 098 134 0882

ADDRESS: Šetalište Petra Preradovića 8,
31000 Osijek

Contact us

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