We focus our activities on three areas:
- adult education,
- translation
- internationally recognized language exams.
U centru DIALOG važan je timski rad, međusobna suradnja, razmjena ideja i iskustava. Uz dobru organizaciju, komunikaciju i transparentnost rada, tradicionalno učenje upotpunjujemo suvremenim metodama.

"Tell me and I forget.
Teach me and I may remember.
Involve me and I learn.”“
Benjamin Franklin
This is also how we motivate our candidates to overcome possible fear of speaking foreign languages.

ÖSD exams
DIALOG je ispitni centar s licencom instituta ÖSD – Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch from Austria.
At our center you can take ÖSD exams and acquire internationally recognized German language certificates.
Foreign language courses
When it comes to education, we are pay particular attention to learning foreign languages as one of the key competences in finding employment.
Knowing the languages they learned and perfected with us facilitates the efforts of our candidates to find work abroad and enroll in higher education.

Successfully completed courses
Large number of participants
Lectures held
Experienced teaching staff of high quality
In order for a high percentage of students of our language courses to pass the exams, we are very meticulous about selecting our teaching staff, since the staff is the essential segment of our work.
Kolektiv čine diplomirani profesori i magistri stranih jezika koji iza sebe imaju veliko iskustvo, a radu pristupaju odgovorno i profesionalno. Naši predavači bilježe velike uspjehe koje su izraženi u broju stečenih međunarodnih certifikata polaznika tečajeva u centru DIALOG.

We also offer translation services (as well as certified translations by a court interpreter, if necessary) and other translations and interpretations for natural and legal persons.
There is also the option of translating texts for the EU.
Our translators and court interpreters perform the job accurately, professionally and with quality, and due to our flexibility and the willingness to reach an agreement, we are an ideal partner in translation.
MOB: 098 134 0882
ADDRESS: Šetalište Petra Preradovića 8, 31000 Osijek